______ _ ______ (_____ \ | | (____ \ _____) ) ____ ____ _ | | ___ ____ ____) ) ___ ___ (_____ ( / _ | _ \ / || |/ _ \| \| __ ( / _ \ / _ \ | ( ( | | | | ( (_| | |_| | | | | |__) ) |_| | |_| | |_|\_||_|_| |_|\____|\___/|_|_|_|______/ \___/ \___/ Exclamation of contempt occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern. __ / \ | | randomboo (n) |/\/\| [ ran-duhm boo ] ***************************************************************** * Quick Usage instructions * * ======================== * * ``` * * A list of links within the website: * * * [Blog](http://blog.randomboo.com) * * * [Book](https://absolution.randomboo.com/) * * * [Portfolio](http://randomboo.com/) * * ``` * ***************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. [General Info](#general-info) 2. [Installation](#installation) 3. [FAQs](#faqs) # General Info RandomBoo.com is a website created by **Beep Beep** back in March 2007 after the disposal of the original website from 2004 – which was, as was tradition at the time, just hosting various GIFs stolen from other websites. >The website is built primarily using HTML. >released and tested 05 July 2023. ## Installation  blog 2.7 version *latest version always available from http://blog.randomboo.com/* ### FAQs No one has ever asked me a question, let alone made it frequent... EXTERNAL ======== _________ | youtube | https://www.youtube.com/user/RandomBo0 |_________| | flickr | https://www.flickr.com/randomboo/ |_________| | spotify | https://spotify.com/user/ |_________| |goodreads| https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/ |_________| COPYING / LICENSE ================= RandomBoo (c) 2007-2023